- Sabaton Sparta 歌詞
- Sabaton
- Many many years ago
很多,很多年以前 When Persia came ashore 波斯大舉入侵 Heeding Leonidas' call 響應列奧尼達斯的號召 The Spartans went to war 斯巴達奔赴戰場 Joined by their brothers 城邦兄弟紛紛助戰 A few against the fateful horde 面對大軍亦毫無懼色 Hellenic hearts are set aflame 希臘之心熊熊燃燒 The hot gate calls their name 溫泉關正召喚他們 A final stand, stop the Persians, spear in hand 破釜沉舟,披堅持銳,阻擋波斯 Form a wall, live to fall and live forever 組成盾牆,視死如歸,殺身成仁 Sparta! Hellas! 斯巴達!希臘! Then and again 千秋萬代 Sing of three hundred men 傳頌這三百勇士 Slaughter! Persians! 大敗!波斯! Glory and death 寧死不屈 Spartans will never surrender 斯巴達永不為奴! Morning has broken 天光乍現 Today they're fighting in the shade 今天我們在陰影下戰鬥 When arrows blocked the sun they fell 當千萬羽箭遮蔽了天空 Tonight they dine in hell 晚上我們將在地獄痛飲 By traitor's hand 叛徒出現 Secret passage to their land 將秘密小路指給了敵人 Know his name, know his shame will last forever 他的名字,他的恥辱,將遺臭萬年 Sparta! Hellas! 斯巴達!希臘! Then and again 千秋萬代 Sing of three hundred men 傳頌這三百勇士 Slaughter! Persians! 大敗!波斯! Glory and death 寧死不屈 Spartans will never surrender 斯巴達永不為奴! Sparta! Hellas! 斯巴達!希臘! Then and again 千秋萬代 Sing of three hundred men 傳頌這三百勇士 Slaughter! Persians! 大敗!波斯! Glory and death 寧死不屈 Spartans will never surrender 斯巴達永不為奴!