- Scott Helman Kites 歌词
- Scott Helman
- Feels like the whole world is tied up inside my head
一堆破事紧紧盘旋在我脑子里 It starts unraveling when beauty pulls the thread 而她轻松地解开了这一团乱麻 For you, ooh-ooh, for you 故我情愿为你 I'll tear it all down 摒弃一切规则 We roll like broken bottles out into the street 嬉笑打闹着涌到大街上去 My world is such a mess from trying to be discrete 试着收拾心情却不尽人意 We'll lose our cool 我们要失掉理智了 We'll tear 'em all down 我们将打破陈规了 We got a lot of stress so we just wanna black out 我们只是急需从压力中脱身 We got a lot of pressure we just wanna let out 我们只是亟待冲破陈辞滥调 We can be reckless and we may regret it but maybe it's worth the hype 此刻尽情放纵,来日追悔莫及,挺值得 I got the right, you got the right 跟上节奏,踩对鼓点 Tonight we're gonna fly like kites 今夜,像风筝一样飞舞 Fly like kites 尽情放纵 We'll make some bitters with some governmental cheese 钻点空子,让他们尝点苦头 We got religion flying high above the trees 空中翱翔,找到自己的信仰 Like two baboons 像两只猩猩 In a space camp 无拘无束的 In my enlightenment, I thought I found the key 灵光一闪,我想我发现了如何 Unlock the monster who can strangle my anxieties 释放野兽,吞噬影子般的紧张 It's true, ooh-ooh, it's true 说实话 I'm just the same as you 我们并无异同 We got a lot of stress so we just wanna black out 我们只是急需从绝境中涅槃 We got a lot of pressure we just wanna let out 我们只是亟待冲破枷锁桎梏 We can be reckless and we may regret it but maybe it's worth the hype 此刻放浪形骸,来日懊丧不已,很棒吧 I got the right, you got the right 打对拍子,踩对舞步 Tonight we're gonna fly like kites 今晚,如风筝一般飞舞 Fly like kites 尽情放纵 We're gonna fly like kites 像风筝一样快乐 Fly like kites 如风筝一般自由 The hurt is weighing down on me 痛苦延绵不绝 The work is weighing down on me 工作日复一日 The words are weighing down on me 流言直冲面门 The weight is weighing down on me 压力席卷而来 The game is weighing down on me 胜负萦绕于心 The gate is weighing down on me 前途一片渺茫 The blame is weighing down on me 指责扑面而来 The weight is weighing down on me 压力如影随形 We may be reckless and we may regret it but maybe it's worth the hype 此刻冲破桎梏,来日锒铛入狱,也还行 I got the right, you got the right 交对朋友,玩对游戏 Tonight we're gonna fly like kites 今晚,像风筝一样翱翔 Fly like kites 自由自在 We're gonna fly like kites 像风筝一样无拘无束 Fly like kites 如风筝一般飘摇不定