- Corrinne May green-eye的monster 歌詞
- Corrinne May
- So you say, life is unfair
你說世界太不公平 Shes got everything you wanted 她擁有你渴望的一切 and you are not even close 你卻望塵莫及 to getting where you wish you could be 你只願未來的某天你能實現夢想 The ones who get the commendation 享譽天下 love and adulation 收穫愛與奉承 But just stuck here on your knees 但你已深陷泥淖無法自拔 Are you happy Green-eyed monster 滋生妒意的怪物腐蝕你心你快樂嗎 Are you happy with your place 陷入此般境地你是否開心 whats the use of being haunted 受此折磨為哪般 your story for glory 你為之榮耀的故事 is right there in your face 在你臉上呈現光輝 So be glad 所以要快樂 Youre an architect creation 你僅是受造物罷了 Youre one of a kind 只是芸芸眾生中的一人 Just stay on track 你只需安分守己 Because every cross can be a blessing 因為每個苦難(十字架)都是祝福 All the gifts that youve been given 一切恩賜都已賜予你 Close your eyes and listen 闔上雙眸用心聆聽 To who you are meant to be 怎樣的你才是真正的你 Are you happy Green-eyed monster 滋生妒意的怪物腐蝕你心你快樂嗎 Are you happy with your place 陷入此般境地你是否開心 whats the use of being haunted 受此折磨為哪般 your story for glory 你為之榮耀的故事 is right there in your face 在你臉上呈現光輝 Dont feed the monster 不要滋養這妒忌的怪物 wasting time comparing 浪費時間攀比 Lose yourself despairing 在絕望中迷茫 I hear it taunt ya 我聽見它對你的嘲諷 Hungry for a fight 渴望挑起戰火 Are you happy Green-eyed monster 滋生妒意的怪物腐蝕你心你快樂嗎 Are you happy with your place 陷入此般境地你是否開心 whats the use of being haunted 受此折磨為哪般 your story for glory 你為之榮耀的故事 is right there in your face 在你臉上呈現光輝 right there in your face 在你臉上呈現光輝 right there in your face 在你臉上呈現光輝