- Corrinne May city of angels 歌詞
- Corrinne May
- Dogs walk free with diamond collars
小狗們戴著鑽石項圈自在奔跑 Free men hang from ropes and dollars 悠哉的人們掛著項鍊手把鈔票 Train tracks stitch the jagged scars 火車軌道上佈滿了鐵鏽斑斑 Stretched faces on aging stars 上年紀的明星做著美容 Empty beds in furniture stores 空蕩的床擺在家具店裡 Angels sleep on skid row floors 天使就睡在貧民窟中 Broken wings for a dollar a pound 賣著折翼只要一元一磅 'Can you spare some change?' 說“你能否施捨點零錢?” Im strolling down, rolling down 我一直漫步,一路走下來 Sunset Boulevard 到落日大道上 I see the paparazzi try to catch a falling star 看見狗仔隊想要跟踪個沒落的明星 Just another day youre on your way 有一天你也許會陷入其中 in the city of angels 在天使之城(洛杉磯) All the make-up in this town covers the frowns 為這個城市點綴的卻是愁眉苦臉 Yeah the world seems upside down 世界視乎充滿是非顛倒
車頭車尾緊連405大道上 Cars kissing on the 405 紅燈綠彩相互交融 colours blend and intertwine 你和我,我們只是逐夢者 You and me, were just a bunch of dreamers 有幸相遇相識 lucky to collide 當然 Sure 我們正在為生活點滴打拼 Were living on nickels and dimes 每時每刻世界都可能有所變動 And the earth could shake at anytime 但我們總會持真摯的東西 But were holding on to something true 只要手牽手心連心 And with your hand in mine 我們會一起漫步,一路走下來到落日大道上 Well be strolling down, rolling down sunset boulevard 他們說過異性會相吸 They say that opposites attract, well 這就是我們的城市 this is the city for us. 總有一天你的夢想也能實現
在天使之城 Just another day youre on your way 為困苦的人們卸下這個城市的偽裝 in the city of angels 因為世界視乎充滿是非顛倒
在天使之城 Leave the make-up in this town for all the clowns 讓天上降下雨水 Cause the world seems upside down 沖走這個城裡的偽裝 in the city of angels 讓天上降下雨水
為需要的人們解渴 Let it rain, rain down 總有一天你的夢想也能實現 Wash the make-up from this town 在天使之城 Let it rain, rain down 為困苦的人們卸下這個城市的偽裝 Thirsty people all around. 世界會定會改變
沒錯世界會定會逆轉 Just another day youre on your way 在天使之城 in the city of angels 在天使之城
在天使之城 Leave the make-up in this town for all the clowns All the world seems upside down Yeah the world seems upside down in the city of angels in the city of angles in the city of angles