- Courtney Barnett aqua pro fun大! 歌詞
- Courtney Barnett
- I saw you in the lane next to me
我看到你在我旁邊 You were doing freestyle, 游著自由泳 then you switched it around 然後你換了個姿勢 To a little bit of backstroke 遊起仰泳 I couldnt see underneath 我看不到你 Your swimming cap 游泳帽裡面 but it appeared that you had 但是它的下面 Dark colored hair 露出你的深色頭髮 maybe it was blonde for all I know 也可能是金色的啦 I had goggles on 我戴上游泳鏡 They were getting foggy 都有點起霧了 I much prefer swimming to jogging 比起慢跑我更喜歡游泳
我超努力地想讓你覺得我很好 I tried my very best to impress you 於是這次憋的氣比平常要久一點 Held my breath longer than I normally do 我頭好暈 I was getting dizzy 頭髮又潮又卷兮兮 My hair was wet and frizzy 感覺肌肉都開始疼 Felt my muscles burn 我來了個滾翻轉身 I took a tumble turn 為了這個糟糕處境 For the worse 簡直是詛咒 its a curse 也是我缺少運動精神啦 My lack of athleticism 像個石頭一樣的沉下去 sunk like a stone 就像第一個住房貸款 Like a first owners home loan 當我去找你的時候 When I came to 你和你的毛巾都走了 you and your towel were gone