- Sabaton 40:1 歌詞
- Sabaton
- Baptized in fire, 40 to 1
So silent before the storm, awaiting command 在暴風雨前的寧靜中,他們靜候著命令 A few has been chosen to stand as one outnumbered by far 少數的精英被選中面對遠超自身數量的敵人 The orders from high command, fight back hold, your ground 最高指揮部下達的命令:堅守陣地, 擊退來敵! In early September it came, a war unknown to the world 1939年的9月初,一場不為人知的戰鬥即將打響 No army may enter that land 沒有鐵騎能肆意踐踏這片土地 That is protected by polish hand 這片由波蘭人民堅守的土地! Unless you are 40 to 1 除非你能一敵四十 Unless you are 40 to 1 除非你能一敵四十 Your force will soon be undone, undone 你的軍隊將很快被擊潰,被擊潰! Baptized in fire of fire 40 to 1 戰火中的洗禮,一敵四十! Spirit of Spartans death and glory 斯巴達般的意志,犧牲和榮耀! Soldiers of Poland second to none 波蘭的戰士,英勇無雙 Wrath of the Wehrmacht brought to a halt 德軍的猛攻在這裡被阻止! The 8th of September it starts the rage of the Reich 9月8日,第三帝國的強襲拉開序幕 A barrage of mortars and guns stand fast the bunkers will hold 在迫擊砲和機槍的密集炮火中,碉堡屹立不倒 The captain has pledged his life, 拉基尼斯上尉以生命作為擔保 'I'll face my fate here!' “我將在此為國捐軀!” The sound of artillery strike so fierce the thunder of guns 炮火的狂轟亂炸猶如鋼鐵的雷鳴 So come bring on all that you've got 放馬過來吧德國鬼子 Come hell, come high water never stop 看看你們能使出什麼能耐 Unless you are 40 to 1 除非你能一敵四十 Your lives will soon be undone, undone 你的生命將很快被消滅,被消滅! Baptised in fire 40 to 1 戰火中的洗禮,一敵四十! Spirit of spartans death and glory 斯巴達般的意志,犧牲和榮耀! Soldiers of poland second to none 波蘭的戰士,英勇無雙 Wrath of the Wehrmacht brought to a halt 德軍的猛攻在這裡被阻止! Always remember, a fallensoldier 永遠銘記,犧牲的戰士 Always remember, fathers and sons at war 永遠銘記,戰場上的父子 Always remember, a fallen soldier 永遠銘記,犧牲的戰士 Always remember, fathers and sons at war 永遠銘記,戰場上的父子 Always remember, a fallen soldier 永遠銘記,犧牲的戰士 Always remember, buried in history 永遠銘記,埋沒於歷史中! No vermin may enter that land 沒有敗類能肆意踐踏這片土地 That is protected by polish hand 這片由波蘭人民堅守的土地! Unless you are forty to one 除非你能一敵四十 Your force will soon be undone, undone 你的軍隊將很快被擊潰,被擊潰! Baptised in fire Forty to one 戰火中的洗禮,一敵四十! Spirit of spartans death and glory 斯巴達般的意志,犧牲和榮耀! Soldiers of Poland second to none 波蘭的戰士,英勇無雙 Wrath of the Wehrmacht brought to a halt 德軍的猛攻在這裡被阻止! No, no, no! 不,不,不!