- Sabaton Talvisota 歌詞
- Sabaton
- Rise of nations pride!
起來!民族的驕傲! Russians on the route to ruin 蘇聯籌劃著對芬蘭的毀滅 Kremlins more than certain to win 克林姆林宮的頭頭們勝券在握 Sent away an army to the west 派出大軍前往西方 Blizzard reigned the ground were chosen 暴風雪肆虐,戰場已經決定 Snow is deep and hell is frozen 積雪及膝,如冰窟煉獄 Stalin were too eager to invade 斯大林迫不及待要發起侵略 He thought of the might he possessed 他一心只想著他手握的重兵 And not of his foe 卻沒有料到他的大敵 Rage of winter! 是寒冬的狂怒! Rise nations pride! 起來!民族的驕傲! Hold whats yours! 堅守陣地! Strike to where it hurts! 痛擊敵人! Fight! 戰鬥! Hold your ground! 堅守國土! Winter war! 冬季戰爭! Reinforce the line! 增援前線! Split them into small divisions! 將他們分割成小股部隊 Rip them of the conquest visions 撕碎他們侵略的美夢 Motti tactics used with great results 分割包圍戰術卓有成效 Snipers move unseen in snowfall 狙擊手潛伏在深雪之中 Force them to retreat and recall 迫使他們倉皇撤退 Fight the russian rule and their demand 抗爭蘇聯無理的規則和要求 With molotov cocktail in hand 手持莫洛托夫燃燒瓶 No fear of the tanks 無懼裝甲戰車 Death for Glory! 為國光榮捐軀! Rise nations pride! 起來!民族的驕傲! Hold whats yours! 堅守陣地! Strike to where it hurts! 痛擊敵人! Fight! 戰鬥! Hold your ground! 堅守國土! Winter war! 冬季戰爭! Reinforce the line! 增援前線! A slice of a knife through a throat 如刀刺在喉 And blood turns to ice 熱血結為寒冰 Talvisota! 冬季戰爭! Rise nations pride! 起來!民族的驕傲! Hold whats yours! 堅守陣地! Strike to where it hurts! 痛擊敵人! Fight! 戰鬥! Hold your ground! 堅守國土! Winter war! 冬季戰爭! Reinforce the line! 增援前線! Rise nations pride! 起來!民族的驕傲! Hold whats yours! 堅守陣地! Strike to where it hurts! 痛擊敵人! Fight! 戰鬥! Hold your ground! 堅守國土! Winter war! 冬季戰爭! Reinforce the line! 增援前線!