- PENOMECO No.5 歌詞
- 알고싶어너의label
想要知道你用的label 손목에선 手腕上 알수없는게베어있어 不知名的香氣 They can`t chase on you They can`t chase on you 뭔데이거 這是什麼 is complicated is complicated 못헤어나오게돼 深陷其中 그래너때문에yeah 沒錯是因為你yeah 제대로말해확실히넌 老實說你確實 다른애들과는다른게있어 與眾不同 흉내를내는것과는거릴둬 東施效顰的人與你差之千里 내페로몬이너를향하고있어 我的荷爾蒙在追尋你 뭔데 是什麼 끌어당기는게뭔데 這引力是什麼 자극시키는게뭔데 這刺激是什麼 Let me talk about me Let me talk about me You gon' talk about you You gon' talk about you Tell me Tell me So baby Imma listen get louder So baby Imma listen get louder 난맡아버렸어이미 已經聞到了 네가내옆에있을때 你在我身邊的時候 I wanna know our chemistry I wanna know our chemistry 보고듣지않아도너를느낄수있게 無需眼耳就能感受你 Stay tuned channel No.5 Stay tuned channel No.5 Stay tuned channel No.5 Stay tuned channel No.5 You're the only one I need you 24 hours You're the only one I need you 24 hours 너의향기는아름다움의symbol 마릴린먼로 你的香氣是美麗的symbol瑪麗蓮夢露 Stay tuned channel No.5 Stay tuned channel No.5 Stay tuned channel No.5 Stay tuned channel No.5 향기가나 芬芳馥郁 너의가장깊은곳 帶我領略 날데려다줘 你的最深處 온종일느끼고싶어 想要終日沈迷於此 I`ve been thinkin' about you girl I`ve been thinkin' about you girl 봄바람에어울리는네말투도 像融入春風的你的語調 난생처음이야 也是我人生的初體驗 까다로운내취향까지도 連我挑剔的取向 자연스레맞춰져 你也自然契合 요즘엔 最近 미세먼지가득탁하기만한 城市充滿霧霾 도시매연뿐인데yeah yeah 污濁的尾氣yeah yeah 너는여길놀리듯이거릴걸어향기퍼뜨 리네 連這裡你也戲謔一般撒滿香氣 특별하지너에게서 很特別 사라지지않는탑노트 不從你身上消失的秘訣 give it to me I want it more 내곁에있어 give it to me I want it more 留在我身邊 I`ll be there for you better know I`ll be there for you better know Tell me Tell me So baby Imma listen get louder So baby Imma listen get louder 난맡아버렸어이미 已經聞到了 네가내옆에있을때 你在我身邊的時候 I wanna know our chemistry I wanna know our chemistry 보고듣지않아도너를느낄수있게 無需眼耳就能感受你 Stay tuned channel No.5 Stay tuned channel No.5 Stay tuned channel No.5 Stay tuned channel No.5 You're the only one I need you 24 hours You're the only one I need you 24 hours 너의향기는아름다움의 symbol 마릴린먼로 你的香氣是美麗的symbol瑪麗蓮夢露 Stay tuned channel No.5 Stay tuned channel No.5 Stay tuned channel No.5 Stay tuned channel No.5 향기가나 芬芳馥郁 너의가장깊은곳 帶我領略 날데려다줘 你的最深處 온종일느끼고싶어 想要終日沈迷於此 Its so good Its so good 향기로운넌 好聞的你 Baby thats right right right Baby thats right right right You're my No.5 You're my No.5 You know I feel good You know I feel good Babe you're my No.5 Babe you're my No .5 You're my No.5 You're my No.5 내게너무향긋한걸 對我來說過於香甜 Stay tuned channel No.5 Stay tuned channel No.5 Stay tuned channel No.5 Stay tuned channel No.5 You're the only one I need you 24 hours You're the only one I need you 24 hours 너의향기는아름다움의symbol 마릴린먼로 你的香氣是美麗的symbol瑪麗蓮夢露 Stay tuned channel No.5 Stay tuned channel No.5 Stay tuned channel No.5 Stay tuned channel No.5 향기가나 芬芳馥郁 너의가장깊은곳 帶我領略 날데려다줘 你的最深處 온종일느끼고싶어 想要終日沈迷於此