- melodysheep Ode to the Brain 歌詞
- melodysheep
- Its amazing to consider that Im holding in my hands
【Robert Winston 英國生物學家】我手上捧著的東西妙不可言 The place where someone once felt, thought, and loved 因為它,我們才有感覺,思想和愛 For centuries, scientists have been battling to understand 千百年來,科學家一直在試圖破解 What this unappealing object is all about 大腦中隱藏的秘密 Here is this mass of jelly 【Vilayanur Ramachandran 加州大學神經科學家】看看這一團果凍狀物體 You can hold in the palm of your hands 你用雙手就可以托住它 And it can contemplate the vastness of interstellar space 而它卻能思考宇宙萬物的秘密 The brain has evolved from the inside out 【Carl Sagan 著名天文學家,科普作家】大腦的進化由內至外 Its structure reflects all the stages through which it has passed 它的結構反映了進化的各個層面 Information in the form of energy Streams in simultaneously 【 Jill Bolte Taylor 美國神經科學家】信息以能量的形式奔流不息 Through all of our sensory systems 沿著我們的感官系統流淌 And then it explodes into this enormous collage 在腦中爆發,形成這一巨大的拼圖 Of what this present moment looks like 描繪此時此刻事物的外觀 What it feels like And what it sounds like 它感覺起來如何,聽起來怎樣 it explodes into this enormous collage 大腦中爆發的信息構成巨大拼圖 And in this moment we are perfect 此時此刻,我們是完美的 We are whole and we are beautiful 我們渾然天成,美麗無比 【Robert Winston】It appears rather gruesome 它長得有點噁心 Wrinkled like a walnut, and with the consistency of mushroom 鄒巴巴的像核桃,軟黏黏的像蘑菇 【Carl Sagan】What we know is encoded in cells called neurons 我們的知識凝聚在神經細胞裡 And there are something like a hundred trillion neural connections 神經連接數以百萬億記 This intricate and marvelous network of neurons has been called 構成複雜而又神奇的神經網絡 An enchanted loom 一台施了魔法的織布機 The neurons store sounds too, and snatches of music 神經細胞記錄聲音和音樂的片段 Whole orchestras play inside our heads 整個樂隊在大腦中齊鳴 20 million volumes worth of information 超過2000萬卷圖書的信息量 Is inside the heads of every one of us 儲存在每個人的大腦中 The brain is a very big place In a very small space 大腦的容量如此之大,體積如此之小 【Jill Bolte Taylor】Information in the form of energy Streams in simultaneously 信息以能量的形式奔流不息 Through all of our sensory systems 沿著我們的感官系統流淌 And then it explodes into this enormous collage 大腦中爆發的信息構成巨大拼圖 Of what this present moment looks like 描繪此時此刻事物的外觀 What it feels like And what it sounds like 它感覺起來如何,聽起來怎樣 【 Carl Sagan】No longer at the mercy of the reptile brain 我們不屈服於大腦的限制 We can change ourselves 我們可以改造自己 Think of the possibilities 思考無數的可能性 Think of your brain as a newspaper 【Bill Nye 著名科普節目主持人】大腦就像一張報紙 Think of all the information it can store 它可以儲存很多信息 But it doesnt take up too much room Because its folded 它佔的空間不大,就像報紙一樣疊在一起 We see with the eyes 【Oliver sacks 英國神經學家】我們用眼睛看世界 But we see with the brain as well 也用大腦看世界 And seeing with the brain 用大腦看世界 Is often called imagination 我們稱之為想像力
【混音合唱】 【Jill Bolte Taylor】And then it explodes into this enormous collage 在腦中爆發,形成這一巨大的拼圖 And in this moment we are perfect 此時此刻我們完美無瑕 We are whole and we are beautiful 我們渾然天成,美麗無比 【Robert Winston】It is the most mysterious part of the human body 它是人體最神秘的部分 And yet it dominates the way we live our adultlives 它支配我們的一生 It is the brain 它就是大腦