- melodysheep The Quantum World 歌詞
- melodysheep
- So, what are we really made of?
所以,我們到底緣何而生? Dig deep inside the atom and you'll find tiny particles 深挖原子你會發現微小的粒子 Held together by invisible forces 由無形的力量聚攏在一起 Everything is made up of tiny packets of energy 萬物都由微小的能量組成 Born in cosmic furnaces 誕生於宇宙的熔爐 The atoms that we're made of have negatively charged electrons 那些構成我們的原子有帶負電荷的電子 Whirling around a big bulky nucleus 繞著巨大的原子核奔跑 The Quantum Theory Offers a very different explanation of our world 量子理論對我們的世界提出了一個非常不同的解釋 The universe is made of 宇宙是由 Twelve particles of matter Four forces of nature 十二種物質粒子,四種自然之力構成 The universe is made of 宇宙是由 Twelve particles of matter Four forces of nature 十二種物質粒子,四種自然之力構成 That's a wonderful and significant story 多麼美妙又有意義的故事 Suppose that little things behaved very differently than anything big 假設微觀的東西與大傢伙們有完全不同的行為法則 Nothing's really as it seems It's so wonderfully different than anything big 世界是由不斷振動的東西組成的,真是難以置信 The world is a dynamic mess Of jiggling things It's hard to believe 量子理論是如此匪夷所思 The quantum theory Is so strange and bizarre 甚至愛因斯坦都摸不著頭腦 Even Einstein couldn't get his head around it 在量子的世界,粒子的世界,沒有什麼是板上釘釘的,一切都充滿了無限可能 In the quantum world The world of particles Nothing is certain It's a world of probabilities (refrain) 量子理論對我們的世界提出了一個非常不同的解釋 The Quantum Theory Offers a very different explanation of our world 宇宙是由 The universe is made of 十二種物質粒子,四種自然之力構成 Twelve particles of matter Four forces of nature 宇宙是由 The universe is made of 十二種物質粒子,四種自然之力構成 Twelve particles of matter Four forces of nature 多麼美妙又有意義的故事 That's a wonderful and significant story 很難去想像 It's very hard to imagine 這所有瘋狂的事情 All the crazy things 究竟是什麼樣的 That things really are like 電子像波一樣但不完全一樣 Electrons act like waves No they don't exactly 他們也像粒子但不完全一樣 They act like particles No they don't exactly 我們需要一個萬物理論 We need a theory of everything 但那仍超出我們的理解之外 Which is still just beyond our grasp 也許我們需要一個萬物理論 We need a theory of everything, perhaps 這是科學最終極的勝利 The ultimate triumph of science (refrain ) 量子理論對我們的世界提出了一個非常不同的解釋 The Quantum Theory Offers a very different explanation of our world 宇宙是由 The universe is made of 十二種物質粒子,四種自然之力構成 Twelve particles of matter Four forces of nature 宇宙是由 The universe is made of 十二種物質粒子,四種自然之力構成 Twelve particles of matter Four forces of nature 多麼美妙又有意義的故事 That's a wonderful and significant story 我必須適可而止了,留給你無限的遐想 I gotta stop somewhere I'll leave you something to imagine