- Ryan Keen when the daybreaks 歌詞
- Ryan Keen
- You blame it on the ground
你怨天尤人 Then blame your drownin' out 沉浸於憤懣之中 You're searching for trouble 放任自己 And there's plenty to be found 滋擾事端 This light will guide you round 既然你已茫無頭緒 This light won't let you down 就讓那光芒指引去路 Just move on the double 邁開腳下第一步 And your feet won't fail you now 雖然萬事開頭難 But you've heard it all 這些個道理 Yeah you 've heard it all your life 你心下早已了然 That change comes from inside 改變源自內心 And now is your time 是時候重新出發 So keep your eyes on the horizon 讓目光追隨著海平線 The changes come in waves 新生的浪潮會洗刷過往 You'll be alright 等破曉來臨之時 When the day breaks 你便能安然如故
內裡我嘶聲尖叫 Inside I'm screaming out 面上卻一言不發 Tongue-tied I make no sounds 煩悶縈繞於心 I'm haunted by trouble 但仍願你以我為傲 But I hope I make you proud 日子如流雲繾綣而逝 Days drifting like the clouds 眼下暮秋低吟 Thy fall is calling out 寒冬將臨 It's the first signs of winter 那心火卻仍未滅 And this flame's not burning out 那些個道理 And you've heard it all 你早已諳熟於心 Yeah you've heard it all your life 改變自裡向外 That change comes from inside 是時候重新啟程 And now is your time 讓目光追隨著海平線 So keep your eyes on the horizon 翻騰的海浪會帶來轉機 The changes come in waves 等破曉來臨之時 You'll be alright 你便會安然如故 When the day breaks 讓目光追隨著海平線 Just keep your eyes on the horizon 翻騰的海浪會帶來轉機 The changes come in waves 等破曉來臨之時 We'll be alright (hmm) 我們便能安然無事 When the day breaks 你深知心之所往 (haah) You know what you're fighting for 卻在迷局中患得患失 But you're missing a piece of the puzzle 答案淹沒於思潮 It's hidden in all your thoughts 而你卻不願找尋 But you don't know yourself 逃避著一切問題 You're giving it all you've got 甘心做一個懦夫 You're turning your back on the trouble 但一切還為時未晚 And it's not too late, no 還有轉圜的餘地 It's not too late 讓目光鎖定那海平線 Just keep your eyes on the horizon 潮汐也許會帶來答案 The changes come waves 等到破曉之時 We'll be alright 我們便會安然無事 When the day breaks 就讓目光追隨那天海交界處 Just keep your eyes on the horizon 翻騰的海浪會帶來轉機 The changes come in waves 在那夜盡天明之時 We'll be alright now 我們都會成為更好的自己 When the day breaks