- Lucy Dacus VBS 歌詞
- Lucy Dacus
- In the summer of 07, I was sure Id go to heaven
零七年那個夏天我感覺生命到頭了 But I was hedging my bets at VBS 但我強撐著心跳活了下來 A preacher in a T-shirt told me I could be a leader 那個穿襯衫的傳教士說我適合去佈告 Taught me how to build a fire and to spread the word 他教我如何去感染大眾散播這些言辭
到了深夜人們祈禱著啜泣著 In the evening, everybody went to worship and weep 雙手捧在額前祈求上帝顯靈 Hands above our heads, reaching for God 回到樹屋在你床上嗅著肉果香 Back in the cabin, snorting nutmeg in your bunk bed 你在等自己敞開心扉 You were waiting for a revelation of your own 那些無人知曉的秘密就像爛在你體內的桃核一樣 Sedentary secrets like peach pits in your gut 就像封窖在你心臟深處的果醬罐 Locked away like jam jars in the cellar of your heart 總是捨不得品嚐最後白白浪費 Waiting to be tasted and ultimately wasted 你總是開局就將我打敗 You were gonna win me over from the start 這詩太糟糕了
我用力忍住不笑出聲 The poetry was so bad 你說我給你帶來了光明 It took a lot to not laugh 但到最後 You said that I showed you the light 我只會讓黑暗更濃重 But all it did in the end 那個夏天你父親沒有將袖口摞起我想著沒那麼簡單 Was make the dark feel darker than before 你母親的妝容越來越濃了定是發生了什麼
我說你出生在這兒定是有上天的安排 Your dad keeps his sleeves down through the summer for a reason 但你就是不願相信你是幸運的 Your mother wears her makeup extra thick for a reason 你想要入睡那些思緒會讓你一直清醒 When I tell you you were born and you are here for a reason 你的心跳越來越快越來越強烈 You are not convinced the reason is a good one 你沒法去改變什麼但也有辦法舒緩情緒 While youre going to sleep, your mind keeps you awake 全音量聽著殺手樂隊的歌你會好受點 And it makes your heart beat fast and loud 這首詩糟透了 There's nothing you can do but the only thing you found 我用力忍住不笑出聲 Playing Slayer at full volume helps to block it out 你說我給你帶來了光明
但到最後 The poetry was so bad 我只會讓黑暗更濃重 It took a lot to not laugh 讓陰鬱的情緒越發深沉 You said that I showed you the light 讓苦悶的心緒達到極點 But all it did in the end Was make the dark feel darker than before Dark feel darker than before Dark feel darker than before