- Eluveitie Helvetios 歌詞
- Eluveitie
- Helvetios
赫爾韋氏族 Bodiacos(Victorious) 戰無不勝, Sunartiu(By the good-force) 膂力強健, Segos brigos(Vigorous, mighty) 活力無限、勇敢善戰, Anauos(Spirited) 滿腹信心。 From antumnos the life-giving winds 賦予生命的疾風從冥界呼嘯而來, Fanned the flames into a blaze 星火隨之化為一片火海—— The awen of the mighty 那是強者的靈感之源。 By the force of sucellus sledge 憑藉蘇克魯斯戰鎚的威力、 By every impact of ogmios club 奧赫米歐斯棍棒的無情擊打, With brictas invincible epiphany 和布理克它不可頑抗的神示—— [03:08][01:27]A tribe arose [03:08][01:27]一支部族崛起了, [03:12][01:32]A tribe broke forth [03:12][01:32]一支部族前行了。 [03:25][01:35]Cause were born free [03:25][01:35]只因我們生來便擁有自由; [03:27][01:37 ]Cause were born wild [03:27][01:37]只因我們生來便狂放不羈; [03:29][01:40]Cause we are indomitable and bold [03 :29][01:40]只因我們桀驁不馴、無所畏懼; [03:33][01:44]Cause we are fire (brave) [03:33][01: 44]只因我們是火焰一叢(勇武); [03:35][01:46]Cause we are wave (strong) [03:35][01:46]因為我們是波濤一瀾(堅強); [03:38][01:48]Cause we are rock (tribe) [03:38][01:48]因為我們是磐石一塊(部族); [03:39][01:50]We are one - we are helvetios [03:39][01:50]我們萬眾合一,我們是赫爾韋氏族。 The ears tethered to the divine tongue 雙耳被縛在神聖之舌上的人們 Following the ancient wise 跟隨古代智者的腳步, As laughter fills antumnos 嘲諷聲響徹死者之國。 Drinking from the cup of life 從生命之杯中啜飲 The well thats never running dry 那不曾乾涸的泉源, We wandered into the light of day 茫然間,我們步入正午的光輝。 Again taranis enthean wheel revolved 塔蘭尼斯的車輪再次滾動, From antumnos life was upheaved 將蒼生托舉,離開冥府。 By the force of succellus sledge 憑藉蘇克魯斯戰鎚的威力、 By every impact of ogmios club 奧赫米歐斯棍棒的無情擊打, With brictas invincible epiphany 和布理克它不可頑抗的神示——