- Pink Floyd Cymbaline 歌詞
- Pink Floyd
- The path you tread is narrow and the drop is shear and very high
你腳下的路窄如羊腸,壁立千仞 The ravens all are watching from a vantage point near by 棲落在高處的渡鴉緊緊逼視 Apprehension creeping like a choo-train up your spine 恐懼彷彿一列火車爬上你的脊背 Will the tightrope reach the end; will the final cuplet rhyme 能否走至鋼索的盡頭,結句能否合轍押韻 And it's high time Cymbaline 就是現在,Cymbaline It's high time Cymbaline 就是現在 Please wake me 請把我喚醒
羽翼破碎的蝴蝶落在你的身邊 Butterfly with broken wings is falling by your side 渡鴉們步步逼近,你已無處可躲 The ravens all are closing in there's no where you can hide 你的經理人們都在忙著打電話 Your manager and agent are both busy on the phone 把彩色照片推銷給雜誌社 Selling colored photographs to magazines back home 就是現在,Cymbaline And it's high time Cymbaline 就是現在 It's high time Cymbaline 請把我喚醒 Please wake me 紛雜的路線在你腳下匯聚
它們移動了畫面 The lines converging where you stand 樹葉沉重地落在你的腳旁 They must have moved the picture plane 你聽見了火車的轟鳴 The leaves are heavy around your feet 忽然意識到他們正在靠近 You hear the thunder of the train 奇異博士總是變化著大小 Suddenly it strikes you that they're moving into range 就是現在,Cymbaline Doctor Strange is always changing size 就是現在 And it's high time Cymbaline 請把我喚醒 It's high time Cymbaline 正是現在,Cymbaline Please wake me 正是現在
請把我喚醒 And it's high time Cymbaline It's high time Cymbaline Please wake me