- AngelMaker Dissentient 歌词
- AngelMaker
- Sought to ensue the bloodlust of your false integrity
绞尽脑汁发掘你虚假的真诚中那份嗜血成性 Your masses, Sheppard fences will not save you from me 你们的数量和不堪一击的羊圈围栏都无法阻挡我 I lick my lips with the taste of vengeance tainted by your Ignorance 我舔着嘴唇, 尝到被你的无知所沾染的复仇滋味 The blindness of the common man 凡夫俗子的自大盲目 A product of the holy land 源自神圣之地的产物 We don't need live your lies 我们不屑活在你的谎言中 We'll seize you when you're sleeping, 在你们睡梦中发动袭击, Bite the neck to stop the breathing 撕裂咽喉令呼吸停止 Feel the fear suffocating, drowning from the blood you're bleeding 感受恐惧扼住气管, 你在喷涌而出的鲜血中窒息溺亡 Corpses of your mangled kin, punished by my fangs 你的同族支离破碎的尸体, 由我的獠牙施以酷刑 My will shall bring your reckoning, punished by my power 我的意志将清算你的罪行, 以我的力量进行惩戒 Your hate means nothing to me 你的怨恨对我而言毫无意义 Your words won't make me weak 你的咒骂不会让我手下留情 Closed eyes, closed minds 视若罔闻, 麻木不仁 All your weakened minds 你们孱弱无力的心灵 Feeding off these ****ing lies 依靠该死的谎言供养 I took a toll for all the torment that you put me through 我曾因你的百般折磨付出血的代价 Now you'll pray to me 如今你该向我哀求祈祷 As the storm approaches 当风暴逐渐逼近 I will show no mercy 我绝不会心慈手软 As I welcome you into the woods at night 今夜我恭候你踏入密林深处 Jealousy struck upon a suffering colony 忌妒之心沉重打击受难的人群 Will only be uplifted together 唯有抱团取暖方能鼓舞人心 For we have witnessed 我们已经见证了太多 Weakness, distraught lies 软弱无能, 方寸大乱 That's all you ever preach 你一如既往宣讲传道这些谎言 Sickness, falter, pain 疾病 畏缩 痛苦 Faceless and insecure 千篇一律, 焦躁不安 All you'll ever find 你终将意识到 Is cowards always die 懦夫必死无疑 So try to run and hide 所以尽你所能逃亡隐匿 NO ONE GETS OUT ALIVE 没人可以活着离开 Follow the leader and become the fool 随波逐流 成为愚蠢之人 Your weakened minds all drown in the red pool 你们衰弱的心灵都会溺死在血池之中 Wasted science 荒废的科学 Wasted life 虚耗的生命 I'm drenched in disappointment time after time 我一次又一次失望透顶 Be wary where you walk for us wolves will be sure behind 务必留心你所到之处 因为群狼定会紧随其后 We despise why you are alive 我们憎恨你存活于世的事实 We long to feast on your flesh 我们渴望大快朵颐你的血肉 No one gets out alive 没人可以全身而退 No one gets out alive 没人可以逃出生天 NO ONE GETS OUT ALIVE 你们无处可逃! And when I walk among them 当我行走在他们之中 They hate me for what I am 世人对我的本质怀恨在心 How can one judge a wolf? 他们又有什么权力对狼指手画脚 When they are just a lamb 当他们只是任人宰割的羔羊? And as the storm approaches and the walls are crashing down 风暴呼啸而至 墙壁不堪重负轰然倒下 I will let you run and hide, so try not to be found 我给你逃跑躲藏的机会,你最好竭尽全力别被发现 We know your hiding with your lies they will not help you to survive 我们嗅得到你掩藏的谎言,它们终将铸成你的坟墓 So try to run and hide, no one gets out alive 所以尽管东躲西藏亡命天涯,没人能活着离开 Be weary where you walk for us wolves will be sure behind 务必留心你所到之处 因为群狼定会紧随其后 We despise why you are alive 我们憎恨你存活于世的事实 We long to feast on your flesh 我们渴望大快朵颐你的血肉 No one gets out alive 没人能全身而退 No one gets out alive 没人能逃出生天