- AngelMaker Godless 歌词
- AngelMaker
- I'm awakened
我已幡然醒悟 Never bound by what I am 永远不为自身桎梏所困 I wouldn't want to be 我不愿成为 Whatever "he" has planned for me “他”计划之中的模样 "Thou have seen no god before me" “汝从未得见真神之貌” You have met your match 你已遇见势均力敌的对手 From your womb purest evil is hatched 最纯粹的邪恶由你的子宫滋生 With your lies, you disguise 你谎话连篇, 惺惺作态 All the things that I despise 我对这一切深恶痛绝 You will rot alone in the dirty ground 你会独自腐烂在污秽泥泞之地 Alone, alone an afterlife will not be found 独自一人, 孤立无援, 灰飞烟灭, 永不超生 This isn't hatred this can only be fate 这并非什么血海深仇, 只是命中注定而已 To say the least, your shit is fading away with heresy 不论如何,你的异端邪说正逐渐消亡 It isn't wrong to believe but it's just such a disgrace 有所信赖虽无错, 但这真是莫大的耻辱 That the narrow ****ing minds are the ones running this race 正是那些该死的狭隘愚昧之人掌管着这个种族的命脉 Trust me when I say 相信我说的话 I know true evil comes in many forms 真正的邪恶有很多种形式 I will never be whatever you want to see me be 无论你为我计划了什么,我绝不会任你摆布 I want to watch you plead on your knees ****ing begging me 我想看着你双膝跪地苦苦哀求我 Their blind eyes see not of the horrors to come 他们的盲眼看不见恐怖将至 Wasted breath on deaf ears 失聪的双耳听不进百般劝诫 Children of earth, all guilty of sin 地面上的孩子, 全部罪孽深重 Cleanse them of the ignorance that lies within 清除他们内心深处的蒙昧无知 Desecrate 亵渎神灵 Its time to realize we are all 时机已到,是时候意识到我们本质上都是 Godless 无神论者 Godless 我们不信仰上帝 GODLESS 蔑视神明! Obliterate 抹除记忆 They are a dying breed 他们的种族濒临灭亡边缘 Hopeless 冥顽不化 ****ing 见鬼的蠢货 HOPELESS 无药可救! I hope you see the reddest eyes draw from the blackest hell 我愿你凝视幽暗地狱深处最嗜血的猩红双眼 Abysmal wakening, as the darkness fell 深渊悠悠转醒, 无边黑暗笼罩四野 The figure stands before as tears of fear fall from your eyes 那身影立于你面前, 恐惧的泪水从你眼中滑落 The devil calls for your hand 魔鬼命你跟随 And he'll show you where the truth lies 他会向你展示真理长眠之地 Underneath innocent feet, I dwell in lucid conjuring 居于无辜的脚步之下, 我终日超度亡灵 Holding dear the broken souls 将支离破碎的灵魂视若珍宝 The lost the damned the wondering 迷途者, 受诅咒者, 彷徨者 Did your preacher tell you, how unconditional God's love is? 牧师告诉过你上帝的爱是毫无条件的吗? Is it eternal? It is a weakness 它是否恒久不变? 它是个缺陷 Consumed by a culture, leaving you blind 被信仰吞噬同化, 你目不能视, 随波逐流 I see no gods, but only meager minds 我举目四顾不见神明,唯有贫瘠的思想 **** your faith 去他的信仰 I'm awakened, never bound by what I am 我已经觉醒,永远不会被自身桎梏所困 I wouldn't want to be whatever you have planned for me 无论你为我计划了什么,我绝不会任你摆布