- AngelMaker No Haven 歌词
- AngelMaker
- Splinters and fractured bones
残肢断臂, 碎骨散落一地 Lest we left to rot, broken, beaten, with no hope 战败者支离破碎, 泯灭希望, 我们被随意遗弃等着腐烂 Drowning in a sea of sick, coughing up my lungs 恶疫如无边汪洋将我吞没溺杀, 肺叶几近被剧烈咳嗽呛出喉管 Crippling loneliness 孤独感达到极致足以令人崩坏发狂 Is this what we’ve become? 如今我们已经沦落成这副模样吗? Strings of my heart, now crafted and bound 我的心弦被精雕细琢, 牢牢捆束 Bled forth my soul and displayed in sound 情绪随灵魂淌出的血液喉间嘶哑的哀鸣涌动迸发 Frozen core, crawling skin, plunging blades deep within 内心冻结冷若冰霜, 痛觉沿着皮肤爬行蠕动, 利刃不断刺进胸腔深处 I feel fate sinking in, sanity, paper thin 我感到命运沉入轨迹, 理智薄如白纸岌岌可危 Skin and bones, faint lips kiss 白骨与皮肉, 失血的唇上若即若离的一吻 Bathing in the blood from our wrists 我们浸泡在手腕喷涌而出的污血中 Decomposing from within, the pain is sinking in 内里逐渐腐朽, 此时彻骨剧痛贯彻心扉 Full of tarnished aspirations of what could have been 昔日对未来的希冀期望尽数化为蒙尘的泡影 As I’m rotting to the core, I beg for ****ing more 五脏六腑都开始腐化溃烂, 我却他的乞求着更多 My heart craves for it like a ****ing whore 我的内心极度渴望如此就像个饥渴的下贱婊子 Bury me deep 请将我深深掩埋 Execution, infatuation is long gone 执行处决吧, 曾经的热恋早就荡然无存 Cover the steps; have we sought to end it all? 按部就班, 我们是否寻求过一了百了的手段? For miles I have searched yet I see no haven 我寻觅了千里之遥却依旧没有避难所的踪迹 NO HAVEN 避风港并不存在! You rid me of the air in my lungs when I need to… 你将我肺里的氧气全部挤出, 可我正需要... Breathe 呼吸! Suffocating, under the weight you bear 我在你的重压之下呛咳窒息 No mercy has been shown 行刑者自始至终没有流露过丝毫仁慈 Making me want to break 让我丧失理智歇斯底里 Every last ****ing bone, inside the body 想要折断这具躯体里一息尚存的所有骨头 Free me from this rage 以此将我从暴怒的囚笼释放 You buried me deep 是你将我深深埋葬