- Brand New out of man啊 歌詞
- Brand New
- First write down all of your fears
首先寫下你的恐懼 Then sweep the feathers you've preened 然後撫平你自誇的羽毛 Next you should dominate All the quests everyone said were too hard 接下來你必須掌握那些人人望而卻步的難題 And last you go back to sleep 最後你就該上床睡覺了 Don't back out 別再昏過去了 Or we'll back down 不然我們又得倒回原地 I want you to know 我想讓你知道 If you feel ready to go 要是你準備好離開 I can read the rest to myself 我可以自己讀完剩下的內容 Hell is digital 數字化的地獄中 You've smashed to smithereens 你已經分崩離析 We've filled out all of the forms 我們已經填完了所有表格 Translated all of our dreams 翻譯了我們的一切夢境 Free love and perfected every inch 自由博愛完美無缺的每一寸 Weeknights down at the gym 體育館中一周又一周的夜晚 Took every thing that we pleased 帶走我們滿意的一切 Don't crack up 不要崩潰 Don't lose touch 不要失聯 I want you to know 我想讓你知道 If you feel ready to go 要是你準備好離開 I can read the rest to myself 我可以自己讀完剩下的內容 Hell is digital 數字化的地獄中 You'll pray to pieces 你已經分崩離析 I'll break and create life 我毀滅生命亦塑造生命 Oh praise player one 讚頌我們的頭號玩家吧 Infinite lives, the time will come up 即使是無限生命那一刻終將來臨 Did we build Babel together 我們難道不曾共建巴別塔 Jibber jabber, changing colors 又胡言亂語改頭換面 Aliens talking to airplanes 彷彿外星人對話航空飛機 Every time the place is the same 每時每刻同一地點 Hope we can do this forever 真希望我們能永遠如此 Don't black out 別再昏過去了 Or we'll back down 不然我們又得倒回原地 I want you to know 我想讓你知道 If you feel ready to go 要是你準備好離開 I can read the rest to myself 我可以自己讀完剩下的內容 Hell is digital 數字化的地獄中 I'm burntto little bits 我逐漸燃燒殆盡 I'm psycho 喪失神智 Can you know this? 你能否知曉 [Interlude: wind chimes] 我必須走了 I have to go 我只想說我愛上了你 I want to say I'm in love with you 我亦不僅是一把骨頭一張皮 And I'm more than the skin of my teeth 我走上岔路 I digress 簡直是一團亂麻卻還是愛上了你 I am a mess, I' m in love with you 我要上路了不帶解渴的水晝夜不眠 I will go without water or sleep 彷彿一個幽靈 I'm a ghost 我甚至不知自己是否身在此處 I can't say I know that I'm even here 或許這只是個永恆的試煉 Or is this some eternal test 抱緊我吧 Hold me close 我將永遠無從得知 I'll never know if it's more or less 一切是否能重新開始 No reset