- Coldplay Chapter 1 歌詞
- Coldplay
- Theres got to be more to Coldplay than meets the eye.
酷玩這支樂隊絕不止我們所看見的這麼簡單。 In a few short years, 短短幾年, They have gone from a college band in London to international super star. 他們從一個倫敦的大學樂隊一躍成為國際巨星 Their music has found appealed by huge audience all around the world. 他們的音樂在全球範圍內吸引了大幫樂迷 Their albums, sell in the millions, 他們的專輯擁有百萬級的銷量 And they continue to break new ground in their music. 即便如此,他們仍然在探索涉足新的音樂風格。 All this, from a group of guys who are barely in their twenties. 所有這些,僅僅只是由幾個二十出頭的年輕人一手締造起來的。 山芋Its..Its uh, flattering you know? 你把我們說的太好啦哈哈(山芋聲音也太軟萌了) We also got a little bad things said about us, 我們也會聽到一些負面評價啦 But, at the end of the day, 但是終究 We are just a band, you know, 我們只是一支樂隊 Its..Were not as important as other things in the world, 對這個世界來說,我們其實沒有這麼重要 You know, so we dont really care about what people say. 所以其實我們並不關心別人的看法 Its great when they like us, but, you know, 喜歡我們固然很好,但是吧 If we got worried everytime someone wrote something bad about us, 要是一有人說我們不好我們就很在意很焦慮 Would be pointless, because, you know, 這其實是沒有任何意義的 Music is one of lifes pleasure, isnt it? 畢竟音樂是人生一大樂事 Theres much more important things to worry about. 可還有很多更重要的事情需要我們操心呢 I think what makes Coldplay a good band, 我認為冷耍之所以成為這樣一支很棒的樂隊 Is firstly the high standard that theyve set for themselves. 最主要還是因為他們對自己嚴格的要求 Theyre unwilling to release anything that they wouldnt buy themselves. 要是這首歌他們自己都不會買,他們是不願意發行出去的 So that theyre not gonna succumb to pressure from record companies, 所以他們不會屈服於唱片公司對他們施加的壓力 Just to put something out for the sake for it. 為了發歌而發歌。 As soon as they play of their lyrics, 他們的歌詞 Everyone can relate to them, not just in the UK, 也不僅僅能引起英國人的共鳴 But over across in America as well. 甚至漂洋過海影響到美國的人民 Chriss got a great voice that really stands out, 馬山芋擁有非常出眾的好嗓音, Its completely unique . 非常非常獨特 Then they have respect for their fans, 他們對粉絲也懷有責任心和敬畏心 Which is why they wont put out anything just for the sake of releasing anything . 這也是為什麼他們不會為了發歌而發歌 And also theres the global appeal. 這可能就是他們能獲得全球矚目的原因吧。 山芋Well first of all we thought why wont us being a band? 最開始我們想,為啥我們不組一個樂隊呢? Then we thought why wont us get record deal? 然後我們就想,為啥我們不發個專輯呢? Then we thought why wont us be, like bon jovi or something? 後來我們又想,那為啥我們不能成為邦喬維那樣偉大的樂隊 Best band in the world.. 成為世界最好的樂隊呢? Weve done one and two, so were still working on the third aim. 我們已經完成了第一和第二個目標,現在正在向第三個目標進發呢。 (Becoming bon jovi) 女主持人:變成邦喬維嘛(笑) Well, hhhhh literally 哈哈哈也可以這樣說 That..nah its just to be, make great records. 開玩笑啦,其實就是,我們想發行偉大的唱片。