- 森カリオペ 失禮しますが、RIP♡ 歌詞
- 森カリオペ
- みーなさん!
大家好! 今日の楽しいライブ配信に來てくれて誠にありがとうございます 感謝大家來觀看今天愉快的直播 今日もラップしたいと思います 今天我想rap幾句 では始めましょうか? 那麼 我們開始吧? Fxxk it Modern-day killers really must hate fun 現代殺手都不愛找樂子 More often, people takin' lives rockin' knives and guns 殺人捅兩刀讓他吃槍子 The real murder connoisseurs in the ruins of hell 地獄廢墟里的殺人行家 Got used to luring the audience with moe that sells, 'cuz 讓人們拜倒在我石榴裙下 To my surprise, snatching' lives とりあえず禁止 可惜奪人性命它暫時禁止 Nice try, stoppin' the mxtherfxxkin' Da Vinci 別想阻擋達芬奇由我來當 Of human erasure, can't stop the pace, sir 在這殺人藝術行姐我勢不可擋 Make sure whеn 'standing off' my rhymes slay first 只能在我的韻法下苟活 Jealous haters out thеre, high-five! I see you 葡萄酸們我們舉手擊掌 'No one's gonna buy this.' Bxxch, I believe you!' 這誰會買賬' bxxch 我信了你的邪! Cute as all hell, in a literal sense 地獄一般可愛從地獄而來 A bitter pretense 裝不像 But the views are all tell, no show, dollars and cents 只看到表象銀子身後閃亮 Don't mean nada to the queen of 'Sayonara' 不要對彼岸的女王說不 Scythe and other super radical toys to tear your heart 我的鐮刀你的心臟刺激的玩物 Apart at the seams, still the killer of your dreams! 溫和走進那個良夜 Slip your soul into my pocket, then I flee the scene 逃走帶著你的一切 It's like that 就這樣 If you take my advice, 聽我一句勸告 You'll be killed by what'cha don't know! 死法都不知道 But the other saying that I like so much more 但還有事情我更中意 Is along the lines of 'you reap what you fxxkin' SEISO' 清楚才是殺人的凶器 Gotta know, ain't it so, 既然如此 Could ya let go of your soul for me? 你願意將靈魂交給我嗎? すごいDIE好き 喜歡的要死 I'm not asking for much: do me a favor and die? 我的要求不多 幫我個忙 去死吧? ごめん、失禮しますが死んでください 不好意思去死一次可以嗎 'Kill 'em with the bass' 致命的bass 殺すの事がTANOSHII 殺戮這種事情真的有意思 Teehee, bxxch! 嘻嘻爬! Murder is so fxxking KAWAII 奪人 性命 非常 可愛 的身姿 かわいい、ね! 真可愛呢! 死神先生+Calliope! 死神老師與CA LLIOPE Kill 'em with the bass, 'til we get 'em to say: 用致命的bass到他們鬆口 Alright! 'YAY! 素敵な暗殺' Alright! 'Yay 殺的漂亮~' So it goes 就這樣 'Dead Beats, listen up!' It's what'cha want? 聽!這死亡的節拍 不正是你想要的? Me comin' in the night for ya! 我從黑夜中來找你! 勝手にやってる地獄で犯罪じゃないから 無拘無束因為地獄不講法理 Bass high enough to exterminate ya 我的Bass爽到要你的命 You'll dance anyway, 'cause it's human nature 你跳起舞步是人之本性 でも、その前何となく一緒に楽しもう 在那之前讓我們找找樂子吧 あなたの死ぬ日まで! 直到你大限將至! 申し訳ないです 不好意思 やりすぎました 做過頭了 なんで敬語でラップしてる?ちょっと変だ為 為什麼用敬語rap 挺奇怪的 Not what you expected? Better tell you straight-forward 與你所想相差甚遠?那我把話說在前面 Hear you all the way in hell, slamming on your keyboard 我在地獄都能聽見電腦桌前敲擊鍵面 Go ahead and BE sore, but I won' t run 儘管酸我逃跑我不干 'Cause I'm a workaholic business-lady getting shxt done 工作狂白領娘我就愛把事兒做完 Taking souls? Not an industry for sxckers, for one 靈魂收割並非簡單事 But it's a mistress of darkness's day in the sun 但這可是黑暗的女士見光的一日 (きもい... ) (噁心心) C A Double L I O P E C A 兩個L I O P E I really love this fake-murder shxt's eye-opening 這個殺人手法真有新意 Taking words I get right off the cuff, and script my own thing 隨手寫幾個詞自己編排 'Murder with words ain't enough?' that was the past me! '言語殺人不夠嗎?'那是我的昨日之態! (Sorry) (抱歉) Gonna take a first-class master V to blast me 不來個大物怎麼我同台 Humans, come at ME, I'm 'masochistic' actually 人類快來我其實是抖M Huh... whatever that means 鬼知道那是什麼意思 (何?) (什麼?!) YES, whatever that means!! 算了,管他什麼意思 Come a little closer クソ鳥, THEN laugh at me!! 來了個屑鳥笑得像白痴 (Sup bxxch?! ) (咋樣啊bxxch?!) If you take my advice, 聽我一句勸告 You'll be killed by what'cha don't know! 死法都不知道! But inside, I'm kinda nervous and I don't know what the word is 其實我內心緊張 For the other side of the gap? 說不出反差萌的另一方 FXXK IT, '清楚'!! 去tm的,是“清楚” Setting out, do as I'm supposed to do, 出發去做自己該做的事 I'll get close to you 讓我靠近你 ドンマイ、DIE丈夫 沒關係,死不了 If it's alright with you, could I end your life? 如果你不介意我可以終結你的生命嗎? ごめん、失禮しますが死んでください 不好意思去死一次可以嗎 'Kill 'em with the bass' 致命的bass 殺すの事がTANOSHII 殺戮這種事情真的有意思 Teehee, bxxch! 嘻嘻爬! Murder is so fxxking KAWAII 奪人 性命 非常 可愛 的身姿 かわいい、ね! 真可愛呢! 死神先生+Calliope! 死神老師與CA LLIOPE Kill 'em with the bass, 'til we get 'em to say: 用致命的bass 到他們鬆口 Alright! 'YAY! 素敵な暗殺' Alright! 'Yay 殺的漂亮~' So it goes 就這樣 'Dead Beats, listen up!' It's what'cha want? 聽!這死亡的節拍 不正是你想要的? Me comin' in the night for ya! 我從黑夜中來找你! 勝手にやってる地獄で犯罪じゃないから 無拘無束因為地獄不講法理 Bass high enough to exterminate ya 我的Bass爽到要你的命 You'll dance anyway, 'cause it's human nature 你跳起舞步是人之本性 でも、その前何となく一緒に楽しもう 在那之前讓我們找找樂子吧 あなたの死ぬ日まで! 直到你大限將至! 'Dead Beats, listen up!' It's what'cha want? 聽!這死亡的節拍 不正是你想要的? Me comin' in the night forya! 我從黑夜中來找你! 勝手にやってる地獄で犯罪じゃないから 無拘無束因為地獄不講法理 Bass high enough to exterminate ya 我的Bass爽到要你的命 You'll dance anyway, 'cause it's human nature 你跳起舞步是人之本性 でも、その前何となく一緒に楽しもう 在那之前讓我們找找樂子吧 あなたの死ぬ日まで! 直到你大限將至!