- The Only Thing (Live) 歌詞 Sufjan Stevens
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- Sufjan Stevens The Only Thing (Live) 歌詞
- Sufjan Stevens
- The only thing that keeps me from driving this car
唯一能阻止我開著這輛車 Half-light, jack knife into the canyon at night 猛地駛入夜間昏暗的峽谷的事 Signs and wonders: Perseus aligned with the skull 大概就是被稱為神蹟在夜空中排布成頭骨形狀的英仙座了 Slain Medusa, Pegasus alight from us all 戰勝美杜莎之後飛馬從我們這裡落下【英仙座柏修斯與美杜莎作戰獲勝,取下了她的首級,從美杜莎頭噴出的血裡飛出了一匹天馬,帕修斯騎著飛馬脫離了險境】 Do I care if I survive this? 我在意自己能否安然度過這一切嗎? Bury the dead where theyre found 就地埋葬逝去之人吧 In a veil of great surprises: 臉上籠罩著巨大的驚訝 I wonder did you love me at all ? 我想知道你曾經對我動過心嗎? The only thing that keeps me from cutting my arm 唯一能夠阻止我 Cross hatch, warm bath, Holiday Inn after dark 在夜晚的旅館溫暖的浴室中以十字劃開自己手臂的事 Signs and wonders: water stain writing the wall 大概就是那個書寫在牆面的水漬的神蹟 Daniels message, blood of the moon on us all Daniel的預言說著我們都不能免於血月之難【此處指聖經裡的希伯來預言家DANIEL】 Do I care if I despise this? 我在意自己是否鄙視這些嗎? Nothing else matters, I know 我深知其他一切都不再重要 In a veil of great disguises: 戴著偽裝的面具 How do I live with your ghost? 在你的幻影中我該怎樣活下去? Should I tear my eyes out now? 我是否應該挖去雙眼? Everything I see returns to you somehow 我目之所及的一切 都有你的影子 Should I tear my heart out now? 我是否應該撕裂自己的心? Everything I feel returns to you somehow 我感受到的所有某種程度上都化作了你 I want to save you from your sorrow 我渴望能將你從悲傷中解救出來
我之所以能堅持下去的唯一原因 The only reason why I continue at all 充滿理性我麻木不堪地虛度了光陰 Faith in reason, I wasted my life playing dumb 大概就是被稱為神蹟的黑夜中俄勒岡的海獅洞 Signs and wonders: sea lion caves in the dark 盲目的信仰上帝的仁慈再沒什麼可以傳授下去了 Blind faith, God's grace, nothing else left to impart 我在意自己能否安然度過這一切嗎? Do I care if I survive this? 就地埋葬逝去之人吧 Bury the dead where theyre found 臉上籠罩著巨大的驚訝 In a veil of great surprises, 抓住我的頭直至我溺亡 hold to my head till I drown 我是否應該挖去雙眼 Should I tear my eyes out now, 在我發現太多之前? before I see too much? 我是否應該撕扯下自己的雙臂? Should I tear my arms out now? 我想感受到你的觸摸 I want to feel your touch 我是否應該撕裂自己的心? Should I tear my hearts out now? 我目之所及的一切 都有你的影子 Everything I see returns to you somehow 我是否應該挖去雙眼? Should I tear my eyes out now? 我感受到的一切 某種程度來說都化作了你 Everything I feel returns to you somehow