- 遙海 hearts Don TL IE 歌詞
- 遙海
我的情真意切 Hearts don't lie 情真意切 Hearts don't lie 情真意切 Hearts don't lie 那如同傾瀉的溪流般的過往雲煙 Waterfalls 流淌進了我的形骸,肆意玩弄我的情愫 Running through my body playing with my emotions 我竭力地把你我的往事藏在深處 I've tried so hard to hide it 但只要我一靠近你 But when I'm close you 就能感受到你與我的心臟相互跳動 I feel you heart beat feel it beating with mine 我抑制不了內心的本意 I can't hold back no more 想融化在屬於你的海洋 I wanna be with you 想感受到有你在的溫度 Wanna feel you 你我的每一次觸碰都更加堅定我的念頭 Every time we touch I know it's true 想融化在屬於你的海洋 I wanna be with you 想感受到有你在的溫度,我至死不渝的戀人啊 Wanna feel you baby 我一直試圖逃離你所在的方位 I've been trying to stay away 一直對自己口是心非,徹夜難寐 Lying to myself lying wide awake 但我卻無法迴避我的本意 But from my feelings I can't escape 我的情真意切 Hearts don't lie 情真意切 Hearts don't lie 現在我知道沒有別的退路 Now I know there's no other way 你釋放了我的內心,消除了我所有的疑慮 You cut me open took all the doubt away 我無法迴避我的本意 Yea from my feelings I can't escape 我的情真意切 Hearts don't lie 情真意切 Hearts don't lie 切斷了枷鎖 Cut the chains 就讓我隨性墜落,讓我肆意感受 I let me fall free I let me feel what I feel 只因有你在身旁我才能呼吸自由 Cuz I can't breathe without you 就讓水花起伏 Let the water flow 流經我的血管直到我的骨髓 From my veins to my bones 就讓我把接下來的話語說出口 Let me say the words “我想和你相依相守” 'I need you the most' 只因有你在身旁我才能呼吸自由 Cuz I can't breathe without you 想融化在屬於你的海洋 I wanna be with you 想感受到有你在的溫度 Wanna feel you 你我的每一次觸碰都更加堅定我的念頭 Every time we touch I know it's true 想融化在屬於你的海洋 I wanna be with you 想感受到有你在的溫度,我至死不渝的戀人啊 Wanna feel you baby 我一直試圖逃離你所在的方位 I've been trying to stay away 一直對自己口是心非,徹夜難寐 Lying to myself lying wide awake 但我卻無法迴避我的本意 But from my feelings I can't escape 我的情真意切 Hearts don 't lie 情真意切 Hearts don't lie 現在我知道沒有別的退路 Now I know there's no other way 你釋放了我的內心,消除了我所有的疑慮 You cut me open took all the doubt away 我無法迴避我的本意 Yea from my feelings I can't escape 我的情真意切 Hearts don' t lie 情真意切 Hearts don't lie 我的內心不會撒謊,我欺騙不了我自己 My heart doesn't lie doesn't 我的情真意切 Hearts don't lie 我的內心不會撒謊,我欺騙不了我自己 My heart doesn't lie doesn't 我的情真意切 Hearts don' t lie 我的內心不會撒謊,我欺騙不了我自己 My heart doesn't lie doesn't 我的情真意切 Hearts don't lie 你在我跌落的深淵中挽救了我讓我重迴光芒 You pick me right up when I fall down down 你在我迷失的歧路中給我指明了正確的方向 You show me what's right when I go wrong wrong 你在我跌落的深淵中挽救了我讓我重迴光芒,戀人啊 You pick me right up when I fall down down baby 我一直試圖逃離你所在的方位 I've been trying to stay away 一直對自己口是心非,徹夜難寐 Lying to myself lying wide awake 但我卻無法迴避我的本意 But from my feelings I can't escape 我的情真意切 Hearts don't lie 現在我知道沒有別的退路 Now I know there's no other way 你釋放了我的內心,消除了我所有的疑慮 You cut me open took all the doubt away 我無法迴避我的本意 Yea from my feelings I can't escape 我的情真意切 Hearts don't lie 情真意切 Hearts don't lie 情真意切 Hearts don't lie 我的內心不會撒謊,我欺騙不了我自己 My heart doesn't lie doesn't 我的情真意切 Hearts don't lie 我的內心不會撒謊,我欺騙不了我自己 My heart doesn' t lie doesn't 我的情真意切 Hearts don't lie 我的內心不會撒謊,我欺騙不了我自己 My heart doesn't lie doesn't 我的情真意切 Hearts don't lie 情真意切 Hearts don't lie 我的內心不會撒謊,我欺騙不了我自己 My heart doesn't lie doesn't 我的情真意切 Hearts don't lie 我的內心不會撒謊,我欺騙不了我自己 My heart doesn't lie doesn't 我的情真意切 Hearts don't lie 我的內心不會撒謊,我欺騙不了我自己 My heart doesn't lie doesn't 我的情真意切 Hearts don't lie 情真意切 Hearts don't lie