- Julien Baker Something 歌詞
- Julien Baker
- I know you're sleeping by now
我想此刻你已經熟睡 I'm still up walking around 我卻還醒著四處遊蕩 The walls of my skull bend backwards 我的頭骨彷彿被擠壓彎曲 And in like a labyrinth 我被困在於永無盡頭的迷宮裡 I knew I was wasting my time 我深知我正在虛度生命 Keep myself awake at night 無數個夜晚我輾轉難眠 Whenever I close my eyes 無論何時我閉上雙眼 I'm chasing your tail lights 我都在追逐著你的流光 In the dark 在無盡黑暗裡 In the dark 在無盡黑暗裡 In the dark 在無盡黑暗裡 I know you left hours ago 我知道你離開很久了 I still haven't moved yet 可我還停留在原地 I knew you were gone months ago 我知道你早已遠去了 But I can't think of anyone else 可我心裡再也裝不下別人 I should've said something, something, something 我應該說些安慰自己的話 I couldn't find something to say 可我又能說些什麼呢 So I just said nothing, nothing, nothing 所以我只是沉默,沉默,沉默 Sat and watched you drive away 呆呆坐在那裡,看著你的車遠去不見 I just let the parking lot swallow me up 我想讓空蕩的停車場吞噬我 Choking your tires and kicking up dust 在你絕塵而去後,我絕望的梗咽 Asking aloud why you leaving? 撕心裂肺問著為什麼你要離開 But the pavement won' t answer me 可無人會回答我 I just let the silence swallow me up 我讓那寂靜的陰翳淹沒我 The ring in my ears tastes like blood 那尖銳的鈴聲,讓我如嚐鮮血 Asking aloud, 'Why you leaving?' 撕心裂肺問著為什麼你要離開 But the pavement won't answer me 可無人會回答我 I know I meant nothing, nothing to you 如今我懂了,我對你來說什麼都不是 I thought I meant something, something, something 可我曾經還以為,你是在意我的 But I just said nothing, said nothing, said nothing 我沒有能力把你挽留,惟有沉默 Sat and watched you drive away 親眼看著你消失在我的世界裡 I just said nothing, said nothing, said nothing 我沒有能力把你挽留,惟有沉默 I can't think of anyone, anyone else 你頑固佔據在這裡 I can't think of anyone, anyone else 我再也無法想著別人 I can't think of anyone, anyone else 我可以不愛你 I won't think of anyone else 可我不會再愛任何人