- Julien Baker Good News 歌詞
- Julien Baker
- Your long hair a short walk
你的長發掃過 My biggest fear and a slow watch 我驚恐地註視 The thin air my ribs creak 氣壓太低我喘不上氣 Like wooden dining chairs when you see me 你看到我時我的肋骨像木餐椅一樣嘎吱亂響 Always scared 總是驚恐的結束 That every situation ends the same 每個你與我同在的場景 With the blank stare me in the tap water 我盯著水龍頭嘩嘩流的水發呆 Circling the sink drain 看它打著旋儿流進下水道裡 Because it's heavy 水很重啊 I'm trying really hard 我努力戒藥 To keep my nose clean 讓我的鼻子清爽乾淨 The blue out of my arms 讓我的手臂不再青紫 But it's not easy 但是我做不到啊 It's not easy 太難了我做不到 When what you think of me is important 我太看重你對我的看法了 And I know it shouldn't be so damn important 我知道我不該這麼在意 But it is to me 但是我控制不住我自己 And I'm only ever screaming at myself in public 每次我當眾無端大叫 I know I shouldn't act this way in public 我知道我不該公然無理取鬧 I know I shouldn't make my friends all worry 我不該讓朋友擔心我 When I go out at night and grind my teeth like sutures 當我走進黑夜牙齒磨個不停 My mouth like a wound 像是要縫上傷口一樣縫上嘴 When I stay up and throw my voice about you 當我睡不著念叨著你時 Or less about you and more about how I ruined 或是念叨著自己是如何毀滅時 Everything I think could be good news 我想到的全是好消息