- Lucy Dacus Body to Flame 歌詞
- Lucy Dacus
- (Huh)
(嘆氣聲) Longing for your short hair to grow back to the way you like 渴望著你的短髮長回你喜歡的長度 Thank you for the gesture 感謝你的示意 I regret ever implying that you could be better 我很後悔我從未暗示你你可以變得更好 Didnt mean to empty your perfect body 我無意掏空你完美的軀殼 And fill it with my passing will 然後再用我一時的意願來將其填滿 Easily won, weary of losing, gullible girl 被輕易打敗的,厭倦了失敗的,單純的女孩 Weak and alluring, well we break our rules 脆弱卻迷人,我們徹底打破了我們的規矩 Get drunk in the dark 在深夜買醉 Laughing aloud at the spinning stars 望著旋轉的群星放聲大笑 Believe me, Im speaking plainly and painfully 相信我,我正樸素地,充滿痛楚地訴說著 Trying to stay elegant, eloquent and akin to you 竭力在你面前保持優雅、雄辯,恰如你自身一般 I see you holding your breath with your arms outstretched 我看得出,你克制自己的呼吸,張開了雙臂 Waiting for someone to come rip open your chest 靜候著某個人來撕開你的胸膛 You take me aside 你把我拉到一旁 To solemnly confide 就是為了一本正經地向我袒露心房 When it comes the time 當時機降臨 You plan to give your body to the flame 你計劃著自焚