- 森カリオペ Holy嫉妬 歌詞
- 森カリオペ
- Dead Beats fightin'tryna step to me
Dead Beats編織步伐催我向前 Calli Mori Shinigami I'm the R.I.P 身為死神的本小姐自會引你安眠 They SENSE the freeze 瀕死的惡寒 Repent for the cheap disease 激起對輕視生命的悔意 Gotta apologize before I start killing spree 而我會在大開殺戒前向死者致敬 Ya feeling me? 了解我了嗎? They follow so willingly 他們追隨是因為他們樂意 Just to witness my fit and my villainy 因為他們想見證我邪惡的魅力 Chilling out to the sound of blood spilling free 血流成河後熱情自然歸於平靜 How bad could the life style really be? 這惡趣味的生活步調又誰會在意? Jealous ******* stay tryna stir shit up 妒心怪異的婊至今都還在暗處攪局搗鬼 Hell is vicious, but the Reaper stay tearin' it up 地獄破敗本死神依舊會流下善心的淚水 Say”it ain't fair she popped off”but you can seethe and be bitter 你為某人的猝死打抱不平壓抑著愈發沉重的苦痛 And talk that bullshit, do nothing else ya coward ya quitter 但你只能扯著無用的犢子繼續做膽小無為的廢物 A LIFE-taker, a spitter, a scythe, violence emitter 而爺掠命無數穢語十級鐮指黃泉揮舞暴行 They run as I scan the perimeter, a literal 掃視周遭螻蟻四散而逃唯我一己之力 Force nature 抗衡自然天理 I made sure I see this through 為確保能看清這俗世戲劇 So them I wove a perfect character 爺為眾生編排了完美的角色 見せてあげる 睜大眼睛瞧好嘍 Wait 所以 何が問題なの? 你還有什麼問題嗎? Hate 憎惡? ただの気晴らしDEATH 不過是餘興消遣罷了 Bait 引誘 Switch, and call it a day because 一轉攻勢以我的大獲全勝收束 (嫉妬嫉妬深いjust ain't worth the time, so kick it) 再深重的嫉妒也不值一用我勸你趁早拋棄妒心吧 State 說吧 どーゆーつもりなの? 你還想做些什麼? Hate 憎惡? ただの気晴らしDEATH 不過是餘興消遣罷了 Bait 引誘 Switch, and make your own shit 一轉攻勢不過是你自作自受罷了 (Envy is an energy, so bend it, send it, start your own way) 又或許嫉妒是一種動力要不你解構後化為己用吧 Got hours wasted in the comments, coulda used'em to grind 所以你花大段時間瀏覽評論研究成分 We call their sour taste of medicine the “嫉妬深い” 這酸不拉幾的心態我們叫做妒心旺盛 Recall that back in ages past Your Mori too was that guy 回想Your Mori那會兒唱反調的也是你這傢伙 Denouncing anyone winning they worth in gold, wit my fist to the sky 無端譴責我贏來的一切挨下我突破天際的拳頭 I got hypnotized by visions of my own inadequacy 那時我為能力不足困惑情緒失控 Emphatically got mad at myself, and others who were mad at me 煩躁於自覺無用也讓酸我的噴子們一度躁動 Is rap rooted in controversy? 所以說唱音樂必須始於爭議嗎? Cuz it don't gotta be 因為它本不應存在 I'd rather stay on brand and keep' em thirsty for oddities 或我本該化身傳說以神秘之姿維序世人好奇 But I still keep it real 但我依舊選擇我行我素保持真實 And you can say I fell off 你也大可說我跌落神壇一文不值 And you can play pretend as though we out from similar cloth 或者自欺欺人說你和我相差無幾 And you can froth at the mouth, and I'll keep winning and sinning 看你江郎才盡無能狂怒而我永遠勝於歌喉 And bringing all the loyal fans who stuck here from the beginning 讓我所有的忠實鐵粉都能自豪於我的成功 Bottom of the ninth? **** that 九局下半?去你的吧 We in the first inning 這只是第一局罷了 Keep the microphone in CLUTCH, and that old vinyl spinning 麥克風從不離開我手老唱片也轉個不停 As we burn through the carnage left by spineless haters 縱使我們被小丑般的鍵盤俠引火炎上一通狂噴 I harness every piece of spite and spit out fire on paper 我也會用戾火點燃紙張燒出曲中詞句回以歌聲 Wait 所以 What's the problem, anyway? 還有什麼問題沒有? Hate 憎惡? Just another distraction 不過是餘興消遣罷了 Bait 引誘 Switch, and call it a day because 一轉攻勢 以我的大獲全勝收束 (嫉妬嫉妬深いjust ain't worth the time, so kick it) 再深重的嫉妒也不值一用我勸你趁早拋棄妒心吧 State 說吧 What the hell you really mean 你到底想表達什麼? Hate 憎惡? Just another distraction 不過是餘興消遣罷了 Bait 引誘 Switch, and make your own shit 一轉攻勢不過是你自作自受罷了 ((Envy is an energy, so bend it, send it, start your own way) 又或許嫉妒是一種動力要不你解構後化為己用吧 Holy, unjust and disorganized 草了這毫無正義全無秩序的競爭 Who can I trust in this game? 我到底該懷持何種信念? Can't be a must to be jealous, ay… 不會必須要學著去嫉妒他人吧 (Envy is an energy, so bend it, send it, start your own way) 又或許嫉妒是一種動力要不你解構後化為己用吧 Holy, unjust and disorganized 草了這毫無正義全無秩序的競爭 Who can I trust in this game? 我到底該懷持何種信念? Can't be a must to be jealous, ay… 不會必須要學著去嫉妒他人吧 (Envy is an energy, so bend it, send it, start your own way) 又或許嫉妒是一種動力要不你解構後化為己用吧