- Lana Del Rey So Legit 歌詞
- Lana Del Rey
- You were the freak king of the piercing shop
你是紋身店裡最怪異的人 All the girls thought that they could sing 所有女孩都覺得她們會唱歌 But they're really not 但事實上她們並不會 **** I don't get it 該死我搞不懂她們 You're looking like a man, you're talking like a baby 你看起來像個男子漢但說起話來卻像個嬰兒 How the f/*ck is your song 你的歌太遜了 In a coke commercial crazy 還在可樂廣告裡瘋狂的唱著 I don't get it 我真搞不懂你 Your taste once exquisite 你初次看起來穿著精緻講究
布魯克林發生了什麼 What happened to Brooklyn? 在紐約又發生了什麼 What happened to New York? 在有我的場景裡都發生了什麼 What happened to my scene? 朋克和搖滾又怎麼了 What happened to punk rock? 你稱我為女王 You called me the queen 在鬧市的場景裡,寶貝 Of the downtown scene babe 你會過得多潦倒啊 How the f/*k would you go 聽我對你頤氣指使然後再找人代替我? Switch it up and then replace me? 我不明白 I don't get it 我做的一切都是理所當然的 I'm so legit 告訴我我是對的因為事實看起來並不是這樣 Tell me was it cause I wasn't 白金唱片散發著珠光寶氣 Platinum in jewels 那樣你可能會覺得 That perhaps you thought 我甚至有一點不肯合作 I was a little bit even uncool 孩子們是這樣的嗎? Kid was that it? 史蒂芬妮你遜爆了 Stefani you suck 我知道你的專輯賣了2000多萬張 I know you're selling 20 million 但我希望他們永遠也不知道 Wish they could've seen you 當我們在威廉斯堡向你喝倒彩的時候 When we booed you off in Williamsburg 你的心受傷了 You're hurt 我知道你不會惡語相向,耶 I know my words don't hurt yeah 噢女孩我看見你茫然地四處走 Oh girl I see you walking round 戴著你的珍珠首飾 In your pearls 還覺得你是一號人物 Thinking that you're number 你真好笑 You're so funny 因為親愛的你這麼惹火 Coz honey you're not 布魯克林發生了什麼 What happened to Brooklyn 在最後的邊界上 The last frontier 他們說你再也不會唱歌了 They said you can make it anywhere 如果你在這裡唱 If you can make it here 在一片沒有魔力的土地上呼吸著平庸的空氣 But where no magic in the air 布魯克林發生了什麼 What happened to Brooklyn? 我們在一起時發生了什麼 What happened to our scene baby ? 我們都瘋了嗎 Have we all gone Gaga crazy? 記得每條街道都曾 Remember when the streets used 對生性惡劣的我們來講是如此危險 To be dangerous and we were born bad 我們生來就這麼壞嗎? And we were born bad? 朋克和搖滾 Punk rock punk rock 男孩們曾互相錘打在對方臉上 The boys used to punch each other in the face 女孩們漫無目的地走著虛度光陰 And girls were walking round wasted 每個人都擁有極好的夜晚 Everyone had a good night 當陽光照耀時重返生活 Came back when sunlight 朋克和搖滾,搖滾到最嗨 Punk rock, rock, rock