- Jens Lekman Postcard # 16 歌词
- Jens Lekman
- April 18th, 2015
2015年4月18日 Worrying about a close friend 担忧着某位密友 Going through a horror movie 要经受恐怖片的折磨 Behind every corner 在每个角落里 Lurks another heartbreaking story 都潜藏着一个心碎的故事 We go out one evening 一天晚上 我们出去逛 Our heads so low we don't notice our surrounding 垂着头 没留意身边的景物 Staying out until the morning 我们一直在外逗留至清晨 While the world outside's been transforming 外界光景变幻不休 And the trees at Irens Square Irens广场上的树 Have detonated overnight 一夜之间炸光了 A nuclear explosion of pink and white 这是一次亮着粉光白光的核爆炸 Burger King is still open 汉堡王还开着 We get fries and eat them by the river 我们买了盒薯条 在河边一根根吃着 A lonely, little fishing boat 一叶孤独的渔舟 Breaks the water, shining like a mirror 划破镜面般明亮的水面 Gothenburg has been romanticized 哥森堡披上浪漫的袍子 So much that it's hard to still to love it 浪漫得叫人没法再爱它 Give me just one of these nights 赠我这样的一个夜晚 And I promise that I'll speak none of it 我保证不会四处宣扬 One single spring night 一个春日的夜晚 Can change you more than all the world's literature 比世界上所有文学 都更具有改变你的力量 But a spring night cannot be reproduced at whim 但春日夜晚无法随意重构 So let this night remind you 那么 就让这个夜晚将你触动 Let this night change you 就让这个夜晚将你改变 Come sit with me by the window sill 与我在窗台上坐一坐吧