- Jens Lekman Postcard # 14 歌词
- Jens Lekman
- April 5th, 2015
2015年4月5日 You know how we as humanity 你知道我们人类 Are obsessed with our own importance 有多在乎自己的重要性 And we're terrified that something could suddenly wipe out our very existence 我们害怕有什么会突然抹去我们存在的痕迹 So we build seed vaults at Svalbard 于是我们在Svalbard建起精子库 We send golden records into space 向太空发送金唱片 And well, this is where my idea comes in for a sci-fi story 于是我脑中冒出了一部科幻小说的想法 This is where my idea comes in for a sci-fi story 科幻小说的想法就这样冒了出来 Imagine the reverse scenario: 请想象完全相反的情节 We decided to erase ourselves 我们想抹去自己的存在 From the largest skyscrapers and monuments 最大的高楼和纪念碑也好 To molecules and cells 分子和细胞也好 If we did then what would be the reason for such a full-scale self-delusion 如果是这样的话 这种完全的自欺是为什么呢 Well, this is as far I've come with my idea for a sci-fi story 关于科幻小说的想法就是这样 This is as far I've come with my idea for a sci-fi story 这就是我的科幻小说的构思 I started shopping the story around like a conversational tidbit 我开始兜售这个会话式袖珍故事 I'd wait for a good point to bring it up 我要等到某个合适的时机 把它公之于众 See what the other person would make of it 看看别人能整出什么花样 It triggered something interesting 它触发了一些有趣的东西 My friends all started opening their ideas that directly reflected what was on their mind without their knowing 我的朋友也脑洞大开 丢下学识的束缚 放飞思想 And I got lots of ideas for my sci-fi story 我有很多科幻小说的点子 Lots and lots and lots of ideas for my sci-fi story 很多很多很多科幻小说的点子 Joseph mentioned the positions of stars Joseph提到了恒星的位置 I didn't know he was so into the astrological 我不知道他竟有这么渊博的天文知识 Stella brought up the human mind Stella说到人类的思维 Revealed an interest in the psychological 她表露出对心理学的兴趣 Jennifer said, "Aren't we already doomed?" Jennifer说 我们不是都在劫难逃吗 Oh, Jen, you're too cynical Jen 你太愤世嫉俗啦 Barbak mentioned hope for a new beginning Barbak抛出对新起点的希望 Babak, you see the best in us all 不错 你看到了我们最好的可能性 I asked my friend, Julian 我问了我的朋友 Julian Gave him the premise of my story 告诉他我的故事的前提 He said, "Have you ever been in love with someone who's made you feel sorry for who you are? 他说 “你可曾爱过一个令你自卑而怀憾的人 Made you want to obliterate yourself to please her or him? 让你低到尘埃里 只为将他或她取悦 Maybe we've met some civilization that treats us in this fashion." 我们大概也遇见过 这样对待我们的某种文明” Then he didn't say anything as if, "Let's go for a walk," 之后 他也没说“咱们出去走走吧”之类的话 I say, "How've things been lately? 我说 “你最近怎么样 Are you okay? 还好吗 Forget about the sci-fi story 忘了这个科幻小说吧 Let's just get a coffee and talk 我们就喝杯咖啡 聊聊天 I head 'round the corner there's a new cafe." 街道转角那儿就有家新咖啡厅”